
April 25th, 2009 · No Comments

Hey guys, TAC here again. Let me just start off with this: beta isn't going to take another year. As time goes on, our body of work seems to be ridiculously growing. In fact, it grew so unmanageable that I had to split of all of the quests, stores, sidequests, and other odds and ends into their own section of Dev. Of course, you will constantly hear devs say that "We haven't done anything :\" but that's not really true. If we rolled out all we have written write now, it would keep you guys busy for awhile. Not to consider that we don't consider it done yet! The plan for beta, if you guys haven't heard, is the first chunk of story, and all of Sweden to go along with it. I won't pin down the structure or length just yet of anything. I'd rather it be a nice surprise, and something interesting to read, when it comes out. However (and I know this seems obvious), that won't be the complete package. Beta for us is going to be BETA. There will be massive testing. It's not going to be like "Google Mail! Now in Beta!" for several years. We'll be actively putting in content, fixing content and replacing content at player suggestion and at the dev team's own whim.  It'll be hectic, but it should be a fun time as well. As for estimates? Although they're comforting, I (and the dev team) try to avoid handing them out. Satan's last estimate for finishing the code (after he jumps a strange coding hurdle) would be a month. Along the way we're cranking out writing, and EMD's drawing her wrists off.  It could take a month, it could take two. But seeing as our year anniversary has passed, we're cracking down on work. And seeing as it's been so long already, there is not much longer before we declare beta content ready to put into public testing. It's hectic (and sometimes stressful), but again. It'll be worth it! We can't wait to see how our various ideas go over. Now, as you may or may not know, we actively discussed an audio commentary of the game, in the 'Swedish Museum'. I mention this only because we talked of it in open chat, so it's not really a crazy secret idea. Think of VALVe software's style of commentary, for this feature in game. That's all I'll say about that, but it's one in a series of interesting ideas we can't wait for you guys to test. See you in the 20s, TAC

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