Welcome to the Wonderful World of evilmetaldork!

June 10th, 2008 · 3 Comments

I'm kidding, it's horrible. I am an unmitigated mess! Here is my desk, it's here somewhere. Warning, ugly 70s wallpaper. I just collect papers, so many papers. I mean, I have a countless number of sketchbooks that are empty cause I grab some computer paper and start drawing and then abandon it on my desk where it piles up. Notable things: my tablet. The pen for my tablet is in my mug along with um... some gloves for some reason. The sketches on my desk are actually covering more sketches that you can't see cause they're SR maps. My monitor is blacked out cause it was open to chat where the dev team was having a very serious business discussion. Basically, this whole space is unexplainable and I am a hobo. But! I'm going to make it up to you. Faithful blog readers, do you ever wonder what I'm doing when I'm not drawing for Soul Raver? ...I'm drawing...for Soul Raver... I'm trying out a new style. I'm trying to use fewer lines and also to speedpaint. I'm working on some other random stuff and to get my people not look so stiff in Photoshop. We'll see how this goes, keep watching the blog for more random art.

3 comments so far.

Enemy Lasagna · Jun 10, 2008 at 1:18 PM
Very pretty EMD, didn't know you were doing that on the side. By the way, if you are to change the avatar images to look less stiff, don't change the nerd pictures, I think it suits their character to look stiff. Once I find out how, I'll put mine up there.
evilmetaldork · Jun 11, 2008 at 2:48 AM
Yeah, I draw a lot. Sometimes its for SR, sometimes its my own stuff but I just like to keep active and keep improving. Oh, the stiff comment was more about how when I start coloring and shading, I have to struggle to make people not look "plastic," so I've been experimenting with textures and different brushes. It wasn't specifically about SR pics since those are black and white and pretty small. :P PRETENTIOUS ARTIST.
Zalasta · Jun 12, 2008 at 4:29 AM
yay, color!